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Hare Namaste Hare Nameh - Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji Kanpuri at Delhi
Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji Kanpuri at Gurdwara Sahib Guru Nanak Pura, New Delhi
rwgu goNf bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI Gru 2 > siqgur pRswid ] hir hir krq imty siB Brmw ] hir ko nwmu lY aUqm Drmw ] hir hir krq jwiq kul hrI ] so hir AMDuly kI lwkrI ]1] hrey nmsqy hrey nmh ] hir hir krq nhI duKu jmh ]1] rhwau ] hir hrnwKs hry prwn ] AjYml kIE bYkuMTih Qwn ] sUAw pVwvq ginkw qrI ] so hir nYnhu kI pUqrI ]2] hir hir krq pUqnw qrI ] bwl GwqnI kptih BrI ] ismrn dRopd suq auDrI ] gaUqm sqI islw insqrI ]3] kysI kMs mQnu ijin kIAw ] jIA dwnu kwlI kau dIAw ] pRxvY nwmw AYso hrI ] jwsu jpq BY Apdw trI ]4]1]5]

Raag Gond, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, Second House: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, all doubts are dispelled. Chanting the Name of the Lord is the highest religion. Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, erases social classes and ancestral pedigrees. The Lord is the walking stick of the blind. ||1|| I bow to the Lord, I humbly bow to the Lord. Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, you will not be tormented by the Messenger of Death. ||1||Pause|| The Lord took the life of Harnaakhash, and gave Ajaamal a place in heaven. Teaching a parrot to speak the Lord's Name, Ganika the prostitute was saved. That Lord is the light of my eyes. ||2|| Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Pootna was saved, even though she was a deceitful child-killer. Contemplating the Lord, Dropadi was saved. Gautam's wife, turned to stone, was saved. ||3|| The Lord, who killed Kaysee and Kans, gave the gift of life to Kali. Prays Naam Dayv, such is my Lord; meditating on Him, fear and suffering are dispelled. ||4||1||5||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji Kanpuri
Added:16th June 2013

Category: Raagi Kirtan
Tags: hare, namaste, nanak, delhi, kanpuri, manpreet

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