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Eh Jag Meet Na Dekhyo - Bhai Harjinder Singh Ji Srinagar at Patel Nagar
Bhai Harjinder Singh Ji Shri Nagar Wale at Gurmat Samagam at Patel Nagar, New Delhi
soriT mhlw 9 ] ieh jig mIqu n dyiKE koeI ] sgl jgqu ApnY suiK lwigE duK mY sMig n hoeI ]1] rhwau ] dwrw mIq pUq snbMDI sgry Dn isau lwgy ] jb hI inrDn dyiKE nr kau sMgu Cwif sB Bwgy ]1] khauN khw iXAw mn baury kau ien isau nyhu lgwieE ] dInw nwQ skl BY BMjn jsu qw ko ibsrwieE ]2] suAwn pUC ijau BieE n sUDau bhuqu jqnu mY kInau ] nwnk lwj ibrd kI rwKhu nwmu quhwrau lInau ]3]9]

Sorat'h, Ninth Mehla: In this world, I have not found any true friend. The whole world is attached to its own pleasures, and when trouble comes, no one is with you. ||1||Pause|| Wives, friends, children and relatives - all are attached to wealth. When they see a poor man, they all forsake his company and run away. ||1|| So what should I say to this crazy mind, which is affectionately attached to them? The Lord is the Master of the meek, the Destroyer of all fears, and I have forgotten to praise Him. ||2|| Like a dog's tail, which will never straighten out, the mind will not change, no matter how many things are tried. Says Nanak, please, Lord, uphold the honor of Your innate nature; I chant Your Name. ||3||9||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Harjinder Singh Ji Srinagar
Title/Venue:Patel Nagar
Added:1st December 2013

Category: Raagi Kirtan
Tags: eh jag meet harjinder shrinagar patel

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