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Kar Kirpa Apni Bhagati - Bhai Harcharan Singh Ji Hajuri Ragi at Delhi
Bhai Harcharan Singh Ji Khalsa - Hajuri Ragi Shri Harimandir Sahib at New Delhi
sUhI mhlw 5 ] kIqw loVih so pRB hoie ] quJ ibnu dUjw nwhI koie ] jo jnu syvy iqsu pUrn kwj ] dws Apuny kI rwKhu lwj ]1] qyrI srix pUrn dieAwlw ] quJ ibnu kvnu kry pRiqpwlw ]1] rhwau ] jil Qil mhIAil rihAw BrpUir ] inkit vsY nwhI pRBu dUir ] lok pqIAwrY kCU n pweIAY ] swic lgY qw haumY jweIAY ]2] ijs no lwie ley so lwgY ] igAwn rqnu AMqir iqsu jwgY ] durmiq jwie prm pdu pwey ] gur prswdI nwmu iDAwey ]3] duie kr joiV krau Ardwis ] quDu BwvY qw Awxih rwis ] kir ikrpw ApnI BgqI lwie ] jn nwnk pRBu sdw iDAwie ]4]2]

Soohee, Fifth Mehla: Whatever God wills, that alone happens. Without You, there is no other at all. The humble being serves Him, and so all his works are perfectly successful. O Lord, please preserve the honor of Your slaves. ||1|| I seek Your Sanctuary, O Perfect, Merciful Lord. Without You, who would cherish and love me? ||1||Pause|| He is permeating and pervading the water, the land and the sky. God dwells near at hand; He is not far away. By trying to please other people, nothing is accomplished. When someone is attached to the True Lord, his ego is taken away. ||2|| He alone is attached, whom the Lord Himself attaches. The jewel of spiritual wisdom is awakened deep within. Evil-mindedness is eradicated, and the supreme status is attained. By Guru's Grace, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3|| Pressing my palms together, I offer my prayer; if it pleases You, Lord, please bless me and fulfill me. Grant Your Mercy, Lord, and bless me with devotion. Servant Nanak meditates on God forever. ||4||2||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Harcharan Singh Ji Hajuri Ragi
Added:22nd December 2013

Category: Raagi Kirtan
Tags: kar kirpa bhagat harcharan singh khalsa hajuri harimandir

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