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Dhur Ki Baani - Bhai Nirmal Singh Ji Hajuri Ragi at
Bhai Nirmal Singh Ji - Hajuri Ragi Dhri Harimandir Sahib at New Delhi
soriT mhlw 5 ] prmysir idqw bMnw ] duK rog kw fyrw BMnw ] And krih nr nwrI ] hir hir pRiB ikrpw DwrI ]1] sMqhu suKu hoAw sB QweI ] pwrbRhmu pUrn prmysru riv rihAw sBnI jweI ] rhwau ] Dur kI bwxI AweI ] iqin sglI icMq imtweI ] dieAwl purK imhrvwnw ] hir nwnk swcu vKwnw ]2]13]77]

Sorath, Fifth Mehla The Transcendent Lord has given me His support. The house of pain and disease has been demolished. The men and women celebrate. The Lord God, Har, Har, has extended His Mercy. ||1|| O Saints, there is peace everywhere. The Supreme Lord God, the Perfect Transcendent Lord, is pervading everywhere. ||Pause|| The Bani of His Word emanated from the Primal Lord. It eradicates all anxiety. The Lord is merciful, kind and compassionate. Nanak chants the Naam, the Name of the True Lord. ||2||13||77||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Nirmal Singh Ji Hajuri Ragi
Added:13th January 2014

Category: Raagi Kirtan
Tags: dhur baani nirmal khalsa hajuri

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