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Santahu Prabh Mera Sada - Bhai Amarjeet Singh Ji Patiala at Patel Nagar
Bhai Amarjeet Singh Ji with his melodious voice singing Shabad at Hari Nagar, New Delhi
soriT mhlw 5 ] pRBu Apunw irdY iDAwey ] Gir shI slwmiq Awey ] sMqoKu BieAw sMswry ] guir pUrY lY qwry ]1] sMqhu pRBu myrw sdw dieAwlw ] Apny Bgq kI gxq n gxeI rwKY bwl gupwlw ]1] rhwau ] hir nwmu irdY auir Dwry ] iqin sBy Qok svwry ] guir pUrY quis dIAw ] iPir nwnk dUKu n QIAw ]2]21]85]

sorat(h) mehalaa 5 || prabh apunaa ridhai dhhiaaeae || ghar sehee salaamath aaeae || sa(n)thokh bhaeiaa sa(n)saarae || gur poorai lai thaarae ||1|| sa(n)thahu prabh maeraa sadhaa dhaeiaalaa || apanae bhagath kee ganath n ganee raakhai baal gupaalaa ||1|| rehaao || har naam ridhai our dhhaarae || thin sabhae thhok savaarae || gur poorai thus dheeaa || fir naanak dhookh n thheeaa ||2||21||85|| Sorath, Fifth Mehla: Within my heart, I meditate on God. I have returned home safe and sound. The world has become contented. The Perfect Guru has saved me. ||1|| O Saints, my God is forever merciful. The Lord of the world does not call His devotee to account; He protects His children. ||1||Pause|| I have enshrined the Lord's Name within my heart. He has resolved all my affairs. The Perfect Guru was pleased, and blessed me, and now, Nanak shall never again suffer pain. ||2||21||85||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Amarjeet Singh Ji Patiala
Title/Venue:Patel Nagar
Added:11th April 2014

Category: Raagi Kirtan
Tags: hari patiala amarjeet santahu prabh mera sada dayala

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