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Din Dayal Bharose Tere - Bhai Chamanjit Singh Ji Lal at Tikana Sahib
Bhai Chamanjit Singh Ji Lal at Tikana Sahib, Punjabi Bagh - New Delhi
gauVI ] rwm jpau jIA AYsy AYsy ] DRU pRihlwd jipE hir jYsy ]1] dIn dieAwl Brosy qyry ] sBu prvwru cVwieAw byVy ]1] rhwau ] jw iqsu BwvY qw hukmu mnwvY ] ies byVy kau pwir lGwvY ]2] gur prswid AYsI buiD smwnI ] cUik geI iPir Awvn jwnI ]3] khu kbIr Bju swirgpwnI ] aurvwir pwir sB eyko dwnI ]4]2]10]61]

Gauree: Just as Dhroo and Prahlaad meditated on the Lord, so should you meditate on the Lord, O my soul. ||1|| O Lord, Merciful to the meek, I have placed my faith in You; along with all my family, I have come aboard Your boat. ||1||Pause|| When it is pleasing to Him, then He inspires us to obey the Hukam of His Command. He causes this boat to cross over. ||2|| By Guru's Grace, such understanding is infused into me; my comings and goings in reincarnation have ended. ||3|| Says Kabeer, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord, the Sustainer of the earth. In this world, in the world beyond and everywhere, He alone is the Giver. ||4||2||10||61||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Chamanjit Singh Ji Lal
Title/Venue:Tikana Sahib
Added:11th June 2014

Category: Raagi Kirtan
Tags: chamanjit,lal,din,dayal,tikana,sahib,punjabi,bagh,delhi

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