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Sava Lakh Mool Mantar Jaap
Bhai Gursharan Singh Ji (Ludhiane Wale) Orgnised Sava Lakh Mool Mantar Jaap on 15april 4pm to 6:30pm for chardi kla of khalsa panth.Sadh Sangat is requested to attend the samagam and get blessing of guru sahib ji. any enquiry97793-06700.

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Modern Sikh Boy
Joined: 24th March 2012
Media: 2

Artist:Bhai Gursharan Singh Ji (Ludhiane Wale)
Title/Venue:684-E, Sahib Niwas, Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana.
Added:12th April 2012

Category: Baani
Tags: mool matar waheguru kirtan bds bhai daya singh ji

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