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Aisa Baazi Saisar - AKJ Annual Raen Sabai 2012 - Apardeep Singh Ji at Delhi
Bhai sahib Bhai Apardeep Singh Ji, UK with his melodious voice at Raen Sabai Samagam on Oct23rd, 2012 Annual AKhand Kirtan Samagam thila(n)g mehalaa 4 || nith nihafal karam kamaae bafaavai dhuramatheeaa || jab aanai valava(n)ch kar jhoot(h) thab jaanai jag jitheeaa ||1|| aisaa baajee saisaar n chaethai har naamaa || khin mehi binasai sabh jhoot(h) maerae man dhhiaae raamaa || rehaao || saa vaelaa chith n aavai jith aae ka(n)ttak kaal grasai || this naanak leae shhaddaae jis kirapaa kar hiradhai vasai ||2||2|| Tilang, Fourth Mehla: The evil-minded person continually does fruitless deeds, all puffed up with pride. When he brings home what he has acquired, by practicing deception and falsehood, he thinks that he has conquered the world. ||1|| Such is the drama of the world, that he does not contemplate the Lord's Name. In an instant, all this false play shall perish; O my mind, meditate on the Lord. ||Pause|| He does not think of that time, when Death, the Torturer, shall come and seize him. O Nanak, the Lord saves that one, within whose heart the Lord, in His Kind Mercy, dwells. ||2||2||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Apardeep Singh Ji
Added:9th November 2012

Category: AKJ Kirtan
Tags: akj, delhi, dushehra, 2012, raenn, sabai, apardeep

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