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Rut Ayele Saras Basant - Bhai Rai Singh Ji Harimandir Sahib at Delhi
Bhai Rai Singh Ji Hajuri ragi - Sachkhand Shri Harimandir Sahib at New Delhi mehalaa 1 basa(n)th || ruth aaeelae saras basa(n)th maahi || ra(n)g raathae ravehi s thaerai chaae || kis pooj charraavo lago paae ||1|| thaeraa dhaasan dhaasaa keho raae || jagajeevan jugath n milai kaae ||1|| rehaao || thaeree moorath eaekaa bahuth roop || kis pooj charraavo dhaeo dhhoop || thaeraa a(n)th n paaeiaa kehaa paae || thaeraa dhaasan dhaasaa keho raae ||2|| thaerae sat(h) sa(n)bath sabh theerathhaa || thaeraa sach naam paramaesaraa || thaeree gath avigath nehee jaaneeai || anajaanath naam vakhaaneeai ||3|| naanak vaechaaraa kiaa kehai || sabh lok salaahae eaekasai || sir naanak lokaa paav hai || balihaaree jaao jaethae thaerae naav hai ||4||2|| First Mehla, Basant: The season of spring, so delightful, has come. Those who are imbued with love for You, O Lord, chant Your Name with joy. Whom else should I worship? At whose feet should I bow? ||1|| I am the slave of Your slaves, O my Sovereign Lord King. O Life of the Universe, there is no other way to meet You. ||1||Pause|| You have only One Form, and yet You have countless forms. Which one should I worship? Before which one should I burn incense? Your limits cannot be found. How can anyone find them? I am the slave of Your slaves, O my Sovereign Lord King. ||2|| The cycles of years and the places of pilgrimage are Yours, O Lord. Your Name is True, O Transcendent Lord God. Your State cannot be known, O Eternal, Unchanging Lord God. Although You are unknown, still we chant Your Name. ||3|| What can poor Nanak say? All people praise the One Lord. Nanak places his head on the feet of such people. I am a sacrifice to Your Names, as many as there are, O Lord. ||4||2||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Rai Singh Ji Harimandir Sahib
Added:3rd February 2013

Category: Raagi Kirtan
Tags: rai, harimandir, darbar, hajuri, ragi, rut, ayele

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