Bhai sahib Tajvinder Singh Ji, California at Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib, Delhi
One who knows Him, obtains everlasting peace.
God blends that one into Himself.
He is wealth and prosperous, and of noble birth.
He is Jivan Mukta - liberated while yet alive; the Lord God abides in his heart....
tajvinder, california, sis, ganj, dhan, dhan, jan, aya |
Gubani kirtan samagam at Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib, Delhi organized by Bhai Matidaas Ji Sewak Jatha
sis, ganj, matidas |
Giani Gurdev Ji in his melodeous kirtan at Raen Sabhai Samagam of Annual AKJ Delhi Dushehra Samagam on Oct.23rd, 2012
giani, gurdev, akj, delhi, dushehra, 2012, australia, rakab, ganj, ren, sabhai |
Annual gurbani kirtan and sant samagam by Gurdwara Baru Sahib at Gurdwara Shri Rakab Ganj Sahib - New Delhi
baru, sahib, akal, academy, rakab, ganj, sant, attar, mastuana, guru,kashi,damdama |
Bhai Sahib Apardeep Singh Ji UK at Annual Baru Sahib Sant Samagam at Gurdwara Rakab Ganj Sahib, New Delhi
soohee mehalaa 5 ||
keethaa lorrehi so prabh hoe ||
thujh bin dhoojaa naahee koe ||
jo jan saevae this pooran kaaj ||
dhaas apunae kee raakhahu laaj ||1||
thaeree saran pooran...
apardeep, teri, saran, rakab ganj, baru sahib |
Bhai Ravinder Singh Ji Delhi in AKJ Samagam at Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib, Delhi.
iciq icqvau Ardwis khau pru kih iB n skau ]
srb icMq quJu pwis swDsMgiq hau qkau ]
qyrY hukim pvY nIswxu qau krau swihb kI syvw ]
jb guru dyKY suB idsit nwmu krqw muiK myvw ]
Agm AlK kwrx purK jo...
akj,sis ganj,delhi,ravinder,delhi,chit, chitvo |