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Sava Lakh Mool Mantar Jaap
Added: 12th April 2012
Posted By: harwindersingh
Views: 4857
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Bhai Gursharan Singh Ji (Ludhiane Wale) Orgnised Sava Lakh Mool Mantar Jaap on 15april 4pm to 6:30pm for chardi kla of khalsa panth.Sadh Sangat is requested to attend the samagam and get blessing of guru sahib ji. any enquiry97793-06700.

Tags: mool matar waheguru kirtan bds bhai daya singh ji
Sahib Mera Eko Hai by Bhai Amarjeet Singh Patiala
Added: 12th April 2012
Posted By: ssbawa
Views: 9685
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Bhai Amarjeet Singh Ji Patiale Wale at Raen Sabai Kirtan Samagam at Kalkaji, Delhi

Tags: patiala patiale amarjeet sahib mera eko
5-7Apr2012 Guru Manyo Granth Chetna Samagam at Delhi
Added: 14th April 2012
Posted By: ssbawa
Views: 3402
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3 day kirtan samagam by Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrian Wale

Tags: dhadrian wale sant baba ranjit singh
Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrian wale replies on recent false allegations by Sukhvinder
Added: 12th May 2012
Posted By: ssbawa
Views: 16000
Comments: 1

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Sukhwinder Singh has put false allegations on Sant Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrian Wale recently. Baba ji is explaining on it and telling the truth of these false allegations. To the point explanation to all allegations are more than enough to prove that this entire case is planned by anti-sikh forces...

Tags: dhadrian wale sant baba ranjit singh sukhwinder sukhvinder false allegation
Dinanath Suno Ardas by Bhai Amarjit Singh Patiala
Added: 23rd May 2012
Posted By: ssbawa
Views: 16992
Comments: 2

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Dina nath suno ardas - a melodious kirtan performance by Bhai Sahib Amarjeet Singh Ji Patiala Wale at Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib - Delhi on April 18th, 2012.

Tags: amarjeet, amarjit, patiala, sis ganj, delhi, dina, nath, deena
Added: 11th June 2012
Posted By: GURMEETs
Views: 2376
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Anokha Viah - Sant Ranjit Singh Dhadrian Wale
Added: 12th June 2012
Posted By: nirvairkhalsa
Views: 39584
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Untold story of great sacrifice of "The Rajni of Modern Time" - Bibi Surinder Kaur, wife of Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh.

Tags: satwant shaheed anokha viah dahadiran wale ranjit singh sant baba surinder kaur rajni
Bhai Gursharan Singh Ji (Ludhiane Wale) - DELHI KIRTAN SAMAGAM
Added: 25th June 2012
Posted By: bdsbaani
Views: 3961
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Bhai Gursharan Singh Ji (Ludhiane Wale) Kirtan Samagam 29.6.2012 (Friday) 10pm -11pm Gurdwara Guru Nanak Piao Sahib, New Delhi.Sadh Sangat is requested to attend the samagam and get blessings of Guru Granth Sahib ji. Samagam will be broadcasted LIVE on Baani.Net.

Tags: Kirtan Katha Vichar Waheguru Satguru Ji Sahib Delhi Ludhiana Bhai Daya Singh Ji Nishkam Satsang SAbha Academy
kahe rae ban khojan jaayee
Added: 6th July 2012
Posted By: 1onkar
Views: 2332
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biba kirandeep kaur mohali wale present shabad kahe rae ban khojan jaayee , for more visit

Tags: kirtan, amritbani, sachibani, gurbani, sikhism, music
Satgur Khoteon Khare Kare
Added: 13th August 2012
Posted By: ssbawa
Views: 20466
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Beautifully sung shabad by Bhai Sahib Gurpreet Singh Ji Baba Bakale Wale at Gurdwara Patshahi-5, New Mahabir Nagar, New Delhi on Aug 4th, 2012. Pauree: He Himself created and adorned the Universe, and He Himself contemplates it. Some are counterfeit, and some are genuine. He Himself is the...

Tags: baba, bakala, gurpreet, satgur, khoteon, khare, kare